Seals from the Collection of Baron Hugo von Saurma-Jeltsch

6 March – 29 July 2018

The exhibition is curated by Artur Hryniewicz

The exhibition will present the matrix of a 14th century knight seal and a selection of wax, sealing wax and paper impressions of Silesian seals from the 15th century through the 18th century.

It will also feature a 1870 edition of the Wappenbuch der schlesichen Städte und Städtel (The Armory of Silesian Towns and Cities) and Ludwig Clericus’s original drawings of the seals used by Silesian dukes and bishops.

Srebrny tłok herbowej pieczęci Thimona von Smogrow, XIV w.

The matrix of Thimon von Smogrow, 14th c.

Pierwsza ogólnomiejska pieczęć Jawora z ok. 1300 r.

The matrix of Jawor, ca. 1300

Wrocławska pieczęć sekretna, odcisk z 1401 r. wykonany tłokiem z 1343 r.

The matrix of Wrocław, 1343
