Jorzeit: The Time of the Hasidim

30 January – 19 September 2021

Curator of the exhibition: Joanna Kurbiel

A photographic exhibition dedicated to the celebrations of ‘Jorcajt’ (anniversary of Tzadik’s death), which are staged every year in Lelów, Leżajsk and Radomsko, which is further enriched by photographs taken in today’s Ukraine, in localities once known as Berdyczów, Humań, Bracław, which were also important centres of the Hasidic movement.

The exhibition is based mostly on the images captured by Joanna Sidorowicz, and complemented by photographs and films made by other artists and documentalists (Dariusz Gawroński, Piotr Kras and Jerzy Sobol). The presentation is complemented by a film that allows to move for a moment to a world that almost 100 years ago disappeared from the Polish landscape.

The exhibition is accompanied by a catalog (that can be purchased in the online store) ➸

