“Sculpture Today” is a series of international conferences which has been organized by the Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko since 2016. In 2018-2019 Poland is hosting a major Henry Moore exhibition in collaboration with the Henry Moore Foundation. This conference will be exploring more broadly the phenomenon that is the Sculpture Park.
Henry Moore was both a champion and pioneer in thinking about sculpture informed by and made for the landscape. On the occasion of this important exhibition “Power of Nature. Henry Moore in Poland”, two Polish partners in the project will host an international conference.
Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko (Poland) — 18th–19th of October 2018
The Four Domes Pavilion — 20th of October 2018
Moderator Andrzej Szczerski
10.30–10.50 Henry Meyric Hughes:
Henry Moore – Man for all Seasons
10.50–11.10 Sebastiano Barassi:
Preserving Henry Moore’s legacy: The Henry Moore Foundation today
11.10–11.30 Hannah Higham:
Henry Moore and the Art of Nature
11.30–11.50 Robert Kaja:
Sculpture in an Extended Field – Didactic Process Compared to The Contemporary Concept of a Monument and Activities in the Public Space
11.50–12.00 Q & A session
12.20–12.40 Alina Drapella-Hermansdorfer:
Sculpture in the Landscape Narration: Meanders of Time and the Ślęża Mammoth
12.40–13.00 Sebastian Cichocki:
“Horseman with Nothing, the Horse Alone”. Sculpture Park in Bródno as an Exercise in the Dematerialization of Exhibition in the Public Space
13.00–13.20 Iwona Dorota Bigos:
What are the Chances of Art in the Public Space. “Kozanów – in Search of the Miraculous” – Dangers, Failures and Small Successes
13.20–13.40 Tomasz Domański:
Wieżogród / Tower Topia
13.40–14.00 Q & A session
The exhibition “Power of Nature. Henry Moore in Poland” has been organized in collaboration with the Henry Moore Foundation
Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage