„Art Nouveau Goes Metal”

18 February – (19 April) – 30 August 2020

Curator of the exhibition: Jacek Witecki

Art Nouveau was a “total” style, its focus expanding beyond traditional art disciplines and architecture to encompass the decorative arts and fledgling industrial design.

In the late 19th-early 20th c., new developments in metal technology combined with design skills of outstanding artists employed by manufacturers transformed mass produced objects: table services, decorative objects and small metal wares, into attractive works of art the middle class could easily afford. Thanks to newly invented alloys, the appearance and practical properties of metal objects were improved,  effectively competing with precious metals like silver and gold.

The exhibition showcases objects designed by distinguished artists, like Hugo Leven, Theo Blum. Friedrich Adler and Ernst Sanglan, for well-known firms ( J.P. Kayser & Sohn, Orivit, and WMF).

Realization: Arkadiusz Podstawka, Magdalena Wyłupek

