Maciej Kasperski. Layers

4 September – 2 October 2022

Fot. Łukasz Rachwalak

Kurator of the exhibition: Barbara Banaś

A presentation of the last artistic project entitled “Layers” (Warstwy) of Maciej Kasperski (1969–2020), an outstanding Wrocław ceramist.

Kasperski used a technique, known from prehistoric times, of building up a form from ‘a bolster’ which means using fine filaments of clay rolled up by hand. The artist employed it in realising many of his works, but in the case of “Layers” he wanted to transfer this unusual technique onto the modern methods of the mechanical creation of spatial forms with the use of a 3D printer. Thus, the programmed machine creates an object by closely following the artist’s design, which is achieved over many hours of ‘spitting out’ the material, built up layer after layer.

Kasperski began working on “Layers” during the difficult first wave of the current pandemic, and unfortunately he was unable to complete the project.

The exhibition is located in the courtyard of the Four Domes Pavilion, a place of particular importance to Maciej Kasperski. Thirty years earlier, when the building was still part of the historical film studios in Wrocław (Wytwórnia Filmów Fabularnych), the artist had his first ceramics studio in that very location.

Sponsor of the exhibition: Goldenmark Center.

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