The Art of Print

Antique prints by European publishers from the Library of the National Museum in Wrocław

22 May – 15 July 2018

The exhibition is curated by: Barbara Fercowicz, Maria Piotrowska

The exhibition will feature antique prints bythe most renowned and respected European publishers. It will focus on the publishing houses and their publications, whose contribution to European culture was equal to the importanceof the authors of the books they published.Among the exhibits will beshown rare andextremely valuable early prints by Anton Koberger from Nuremburg, Peter Schoeffer from Mainz (precious Wrocław Missalsdating from the late 15th century) and by Hans Lufft from Wittenberg, known as the printer for the Reformation.  

Histoire dee l’imprimerie en France au XVe et au XVIe siècle, t. 3, Paris 1904

