Some hits from the MNWr collection in the Google Arts & Culture project

The National Museum in Wrocław – transformed for this occasion into a mysterious space in a magic forest – hosted the opening ceremony of a new online collection of Google Arts & Culture entitled “Legends of Lower Silesia” ➸

Among the invited guests, accompanied by Piotr Oszczanowski, MNWr Director, was Piotr Borys from the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, and Magdalena Okulowska, President of the Board of Wrocław Agglomeration Development Agency (ARAW).

Fot. M. Skrabek, A. Ziemlańska

“Legends of Lower Silesia”, prepared by Google Arts & Culture in collaboration with over twenty institutions of culture in Lower Silesia and the UNESCO, is the first Polish Google collection dedicated entirely to our region.

The collection includes, among others, the most beautiful exhibits in the National Museum in Wrocław. Moreover, thanks to Google Street View, it is possible to take virtual walks in the Museum interiors showcasing the MNWr collection of European art, as well as the permanent exhibitions in the Ethnographic Museum. There are also ready presentations dedicated to curiosities shown in “Stories”, dedicated to selected paintings from the Museum’s collection.

Now internauts from all over the world can embark on a virtual journey discovering the most attractive treasures in the National Museum in Wrocław and in Lower Silesia!

■ Google Arts & Culture – the collection of the National Museum in Wrocław ➸
■ The collection “Legends of Lower Silesia” ➸

Info: 2024-05-28

