6 December 2025 – 18 January 2026
Fot. Magdalena Lorek
Curators of the exhibition: Joanna Burda (MDK Śródmieście), Joanna Kurbiel and Emilia Jeziorowska (ME)
The 33rd edition of the Regional Competition in Sculpture for children and youngsters, entitled “The Most Beautiful Nativity Scene 2025” is organised by the Gallery of Young Art at the Youth Cultural Centre (MDK) “Śródmieście”.
Every year, schoolchildren from Lower Silesia approach the subject of the Nativity Scene (Crib), proposing varied and often surprising original solutions concerning representations of the birthplace of Christ. Their cribs are made of diverse materials and use variety of techniques: ceramics, glass, cardboard, papier mâché, plasticine, natural resources such as wood, bark, moss, stones, and even bread, pasta, cakes or any recyclable materials e.g. bottles and CDs. Their artistic imagination has no bounds hence every year the competition includes some extraordinary works.